
Especialista em aleatoridade, ganhador do prêmio nobel do charme, mestre em despejar água no filtro de cafe, gosta de longas caminhadas na praia após violentos massacres sanguinários.

Vagabundo por profissão, atoa por opção, idiota por exclusão, previsível por absurdo.

De 84 anos de idade, foi abduzido em 1934 e conservado todo esse tempo em uma banheira de anti-vida. Seus ossos tem coloração mínima de apenas 4 cores.


Carpe Noctem
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Bolando estratagemas


fevereiro 2006 março 2006 abril 2006 maio 2006 junho 2006 julho 2006 agosto 2006 setembro 2006 outubro 2006 novembro 2006 dezembro 2006 janeiro 2007 fevereiro 2007 março 2007 abril 2007 maio 2007 junho 2007 julho 2007 agosto 2007 setembro 2007 outubro 2007 dezembro 2007 janeiro 2008 fevereiro 2008 março 2008 abril 2008 maio 2008 julho 2008 agosto 2008 novembro 2008 maio 2009 junho 2009 julho 2009 agosto 2009 setembro 2009 novembro 2009 dezembro 2009 janeiro 2010 fevereiro 2010 março 2010 agosto 2010 outubro 2010 novembro 2010 dezembro 2010 fevereiro 2011 março 2011 abril 2011 junho 2011 setembro 2011 outubro 2011 dezembro 2011 fevereiro 2012 março 2012 setembro 2012 novembro 2012 julho 2013 agosto 2013 setembro 2013 junho 2014 agosto 2014 setembro 2014


HTML Beauty
Abode Photoshop CS2
Alfa, o inicio
Deborah Happ

I'll build my own Republic, with black jack and hookers. In fact, screw the Republic!


Nervians, Assemble!

I often dream of the day when I will let roar this command and it will take affect.
Something like this would be acceptably awesome:

On a large empty green field...

...some hills around as well...

The words come booming out of no where.....



Victor will be stumbling and rolling down the same hill with broken chains clanging
marking his research slavery life.

Mau will come pouncing over the hill riding a German Panzer Tank, drunk and dangerous.

With a sudden high pitch eagle shriek, Barrozo will break out of ice an cocoon, and come casually walking out.

The earth, pleased with Artur's study of it's elastic properties, will suddenly embrace him in Ireland, and take him through the earth molten center (better known as Goldman Sachs headquaters) , and squeeze him out with a large gas emission

A river of torn suits and ties will come swirling into scene, to then proceed to twist into a tight cylinder then burst open, revealing a shivering naked Yanky. Yanky's taxi driver had also offered just to take him there.

In a sudden smoke explosion, Bruno will appear playing the bass like a devil, and strangely not coughing.

Will will just happen to be hanging out on the field playing a tangy blues on a silver guitar.

From a far, a thunderous cry echoing in the distance... NUuuuuunnn.....
and Sam will come flying in on a jet he made entirely of playstation 3 parts.

Robert arrives in a helicopter because he's not ridiculous.

Frota will descend from the heavens, because let's face it, he the only one of us that is pure.

Gab will arrive by surfing his own long blond hair (possible?) in a fixed Daniel-san stance.

Paulo will draw himself into the scene, but more with more muscles and spiky

Super Saiyan Dragon ball-z hair.

Rafa comes riding in on a giant crab, symbolizing his home, powered entirely by hydraulics.
Then we will chill, take the traditional nerv photos, something like

After some time, and after discussing something outrageous and metaphysical,  Nerv will once again dissipate, and each will head back to whence he came... 

Hopefully more of you will get out to visit me, e.g. 

Por: Unknown @ 08:55



Italian cities are a crisscross of ancient cobbled roads with patches of modern tar. Notoriously, Italian roads are dangerous, thus the ministry of road planning is undertaking an innovative and wide spread project to improve safety. The project seeks to identify the most dangerous stretches of road to cross, and then alert the pedestrians. They have done this by marking the road with clear white and blacks stripes, like one would find in nature, poisonous lizard and frog being the standard example. Though an ingenious attempt, many a pedestrian, in an act of defiance, tries to cross these marked danger zones. Observe


(not to be confused with the Brazilian system, where in the stripes are for cars, and indicate a “speed-up” zone. Also not to be confused with the british black-white stripes, which indicates a “must park before and count to 100s” zone)

Por: Unknown @ 15:18



Arriving hungry at night in Florence, my hostess points me to a diner of reasonably priced and good pizza. She says shes eats there (at least that's what I think she said). The place was everything you would not want a italian restaurant to look like. Designed by a famous chemical plant arquetect, even the walls where screaming “we will feed you then mechanically remove you”. 

Furnished entirely by a second hand office depot that went bust. Yes, though I do know a certain unnamed person that would relish in the low-brow-ness of it all, it is hard to imagine a tourist coming to beautiful Florence, to then eat in a place like this. But I was hungry, and a lot of local bus drives where eating here (a good sign?). Past the client feeding area, I encountered the food disposal area. Various plates of food enclosed in glass cages that would not open (trust me I tried). I then surveyed the surroundings for assistance and met the gaze of the cashier. We then commenced a staring competition. After what she deemed was a satisfactory performance on my part in the stare-off, she called out for the serving lady. 

Out came a substantial Italian women with a heavy brow, and she was using it to frown at me. This would have made a less hungry man crumble. I gave her my rehearsed line
--“How does the system work”
She then said a lot of things, including
--”If you like what you see, you eat”
and simultaneously shoved a pizza my way. I understood the gesture; she wanted me to take the pizza. But my inquisitive mind was relentless, and I thought, why this one? what over flavors are there? can I have just a slice to try? maybe half a pizza? We engaged in a futile attempt of communication. I tried to slur the words “mezzo”(half), “options” and “system” in to a sentence. She would then answer using more then three words. The frustration took it's toll on the Italian kitchen warlord; she was not used to dealing with foreigners. She then said something on the lines of
--”Take the whole pizza and I'll charge you for half”
I realized that resistance was futile, and I took the pizza. Thin slices of courgettes, Gorgonzola and with little nibbles of spicy sausage. One of the best pizzas I've had in a long time. It cost 3 euros.

Por: Unknown @ 20:02


Copyright Deborah Happ 2007